Monday, March 4, 2013

Disabled accounts in AD show up in SharePoint as active profiles

Problem Description:
If the proper filer is not applied in import connections then it can lead to hundreds of unwanted / disabled profile in ssp database. Sometimes due to IT audits we want to get rid of those profiles from SharePoint.

Product Applies:
1.    MOSS2007 (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007)
2.    WSS3.0 Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)

Error Message: N/A

What exactly I did? How exactly I configured and came to know about the issue?
1.    In AD, I have created lots of user and disabled few of them.

2.    Configured SSP to import user profile by using the default filter

3.    That’s it-Problem started and found lots of profiles in view user profile.

At first apply filter
to just import active profiles in connection.

Run full profile import three times back to back.
After that you will find users in view user profile > Profile Missing from import.
You can manually delete these unwanted profile or wait till clean up job delete them.

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