MVP journey

What I can say when one of my dreams came true in end of July, 2011 when I was honored with Microsoft’s most prestigious award - MVP
Microsoft does awards on a quarterly basis now to spread out the workload of reviewing people but the end of the year seems a good time to reflect on things especially since the award is given for the community work done in the “previous year. Many thanks to my lead “Abhishek Kant” and everyone at the MVP Award program who keeps this all together and moving. if you’re interested in learning more about the Microsoft MVP Program check out these official program links: Becoming an MVP

3rd glorious year, the MVP journey continued this year as well with the support of my lead “Tanmay Kapoor” and MVP program manager “Biplab Paul” and all readers. I have been awarded again as an MVP for the year 2013 - 2014

Thank you Microsoft and thank you the Microsoft MVP program and foremost – thank you, the SharePoint community!

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