Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to create a permission level in SharePoint 2010

·         Verify that you have one of the following administrative credentials
o   You are a member of the Administrators group for the site collection.
o   You are a member of the Owners group for the site.
o   You have the Manage Permissions permission.
·         On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, click Site permissions.
·         In the Manage section of the ribbon, click Permission Levels.
·         On the toolbar, click Add a Permission Level.
·         On the Add a Permission Level page, in the Name field, type a name for the new permission level.
·         In the Description field, type a description of the new permission level.
·         In the list of permissions, select the check boxes to add permissions to the permission level.
·         Click Create.


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