Saturday, May 12, 2012

Access Errors Publishing or Exporting to SharePoint when Attachment File Name is Invalid

You receive one of the following errors when you attempt to export a Microsoft Access table to a SharePoint list:

There was an error copying data to a SharePoint list. The Microsoft Access database engine encountered an error while communicating with SharePoint. More detailed information: "


There was an error copying data to a SharePoint list. Network I/O error.

You receive the following error when you attempt to publish a Microsoft Access 2010 database to a SharePoint Server:

Publish Failed. Your application has encountered errors while attempting to publish. The publish operation has failed and the target site has not been created.

When you click to view the details for the message, the first error entry is:

"There was an error uploading the data in the tables being created on the server. The Microsoft Access database engine encountered an error while communicating with SharePoint. More detailed information"

  1. Open the table in datasheet view in Microsoft Access
  2. Open the Attachments window
  3. Select the file that contains the invalid characters
  4. Click Save As.
  5. Save to your desktop
  6. Remove the file from the Attachments list
  7. Click ok
  8. Save the table
  9. Rename the file you just exported to your desktop
  10. Add the file back to the record


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