Thursday, February 23, 2012

Breadcrumbs shows wrong URL

Today I have gone thru a very good example of auto redirection. I was doing some routine exercise on a custom list and converted it to XSLT view in SharePoint Designer to customize it. For safety I took couple of copied of AllItems.aspx page and started customizing default one. For some reason I did not like customization and I deleted the original AllItems.aspx and renamed the copied one.

Now when I go to List Settings from browser and click on the list name in bread crumb it redirected me to Web Portal.
(I went to list settings to delete the list, but suddenly I found I was deleting something wrong J) this was more than shocking to me as I missed to make necessary changes.

This was really small and easy change I made, went to SharePoint Designer > Browsed to List > Right Clicked on Properties > Supporting Files > Default view Page.
Make sure it displays “AllItems.aspx” page, in my case it was blank.

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