PowerShell everyone is talking about it how do I start?
In our current organization we do not do much of PowerShell
as its restricted to use, but we cannot deny the effect this magnetic tool has
on us, we all as SharePoint admins would love to have our hands on the
PowerShell and how do we begin.
let’s start with the windows PowerShell commands to an idea
of the syntax,
You need minimum pre-requisite for installation .net
framework 2.0
Some interesting
you can execute DOS commands like dir, cls in
PowerShell it works just like it should
in regular DOS
you can get mathematical calculations from
PowerShell like type 2+2 and enter or 2*5/2*4
The real powershell commands begin with a verb
and second part is a noun, example: Get-Help; Get-Command
Get- Command will list all the commands in
powershell, also note commands in powershell are listed as Comma lets.
Suppose you need to execute a command and you’re
not sure how the syntax will be you can use get help
So use Get-Help
Get-Commands ( assuming get-commands is the option you need help with)
That will list the syntax expected.
Also try Get-Help Get-Commands examples – this will list down the examples
as well so you can compare and type.
Also try Get-Help Get-Commands detailed – this will give details and
examples both.
To copy a command in powershell select the
command and right click, to paste copied command in powershell just right
All operators by default do case insensitive
comparison. If you specifically case sensitive comparisons add “c” to the
operator example –ceq – case sensitive equality.
Working with windows PowerShell scripts
The commands are similar to Unix but
one thing you need to know is that the output is treated as objects.
In PowerShell setlocation- c:\scripts ( changes
the location )
You can save files as extension .ps or ps1 also commands can be saved in a
.bat file and executed from windows explorer.
The variables are created beginning with $
$colorarray = “Red” , “Green”, “Blue”,
For each ($col in $colorarray )
Write-host $col